07 June 2017
For two days, Marc Auclert presents jewelry pieces from two other Parisian addresses in his showroom: the galleries miniMASTERPIECE and Les Enluminures. His own rings, necklaces and earrings made up of antique elements such as Roman intaglio, old crystal and menuki are contrasted with contemporary designers’ pieces edited by Esther de Beaucé, and these sit alongside medieval rings from Sandra Hindman’s collection. This confrontation shows how different worlds and styles, which often don’t see eye-to-eye, can appeal to the same audience.
“Bijoux d’art(s) et d’histoire(s)” exhibition on June 21st and 22nd 2017 at Maison Marc Auclert.
Les Enluminures gallery - "Utere Felix" Roman gold ring - IIIrd century
miniMASTERPIECE gallery - Andres Serrano, "Crucifix" gold ring, 2015 © Damian Noszkowicz
miniMASTERPIECE gallery - Carlos Cruz-Diez, "Chromointerférence" bracelet made of gold and UV pigment on acrylic, 2013 © Cruz-Diez workshop
miniMASTERPIECE gallery - Jean-Luc Moulène, "Bone" gold ring, 2016 © Yann Delacour
Maison Auclert - On the ring, a Roman gold button with two cognac diamonds - Roman or Byzantine, IVth-Vth century
Les Enluminures gallery - Renaissance wedding ring made of gold, diamond and enamel - Western Europe, ca 1600-1620
Maison Auclert - Byzantine gold coins turned into earrings, with diamonds and sapphires - Heraclius, 575-641
Beyond aesthetics, Christopher Esber believes in the positive virtues that certain crystals worn directly on the skin possess.
Botter, the Dutch creative duo made up of Lisi Herrebrugh and Rushemy Botter have turned colorful little cars into jewelry.
In this issue we offer a non-exhaustive overview of pieces heralding these new jewelry values.
On “Wing Shop” the new e-shop of Noor Fares, you can entirely customize the “Fly Me to the Moon” earrings.
The positive values initiated by Léon Rouvenat, almost two centuries on, are modernized.
During the conference organized by the jeweler L’Or du Monde (pioneers in the use of recycled gold), the Systext association painted an apocalyptic picture...