15 June 2017
This monographic exhibition devoted to the 19th-century Arlesian painter demonstrates how well he excels in the art of detail. “The representation of the shimmering, printed fabrics is almost photographic,” explains Clément Trouche. This precision also characterizes the jewelry, as heir to a line of goldsmiths Antoine Raspal represents the Arlesian favorites: the Maintenon and Maltese crosses, twisted bracelets decorated with medallions called coulas, and poissarde earrings decorated with precious stones.
Until September 17th 2017 at the Fragonard Museum in Grasse – Then on show at the Réattu Museum in Arles from October 7th 2017 to January 7th 2018.
Antoine Raspal - The sewing workshop, oil on wood - Réattu Museum, Arles
Antoine Raspal - Brown-eyed Arlesian - Grobet-Labadié Museum, Marseille
Antoine Raspal - Arlesian with a black ribbon, oil on ivory (miniature) - Private collection
Antoine Raspal - Portrait of a young girl wearing an old Arlesian costume - Granet Museum, Aix-en-Provence
Antoine Raspal - Arlesian with carnations, oil on canvas - Grobet-Labadié Museum, Marseille
Antoine Raspal - Self-portrait or The painter and his family, oil on canvas - Réattu Museum, Arles
The Jean-Honoré Fragonard Museum and the Provençal Costume and Jewelry Museum
Beyond aesthetics, Christopher Esber believes in the positive virtues that certain crystals worn directly on the skin possess.
Botter, the Dutch creative duo made up of Lisi Herrebrugh and Rushemy Botter have turned colorful little cars into jewelry.
In this issue we offer a non-exhaustive overview of pieces heralding these new jewelry values.
On “Wing Shop” the new e-shop of Noor Fares, you can entirely customize the “Fly Me to the Moon” earrings.
The positive values initiated by Léon Rouvenat, almost two centuries on, are modernized.
During the conference organized by the jeweler L’Or du Monde (pioneers in the use of recycled gold), the Systext association painted an apocalyptic picture...