18 April 2017
Boni de Castellane‘s wealthy American wife was one of the legendary collectors. “In 1909, Anna Gould had this necklace made at Cartier, probably from her own diamonds,” explains Marie-Laurence Tixier, director of jewelry department at Christie’s Paris. “And there had to be a large number of them to produce this magnificent matching fall.” The value of this necklace is also due to the extreme delicacy of its mount, which is produced with platinum thread and tassels that extend to the back of the piece.
Estimated at between € 500-700,000 – Auction sale on June 6th 2017 at Christie’s Paris.
Anna Gould's diamond necklace (100 carats), made by Cartier
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Beyond aesthetics, Christopher Esber believes in the positive virtues that certain crystals worn directly on the skin possess.
Botter, the Dutch creative duo made up of Lisi Herrebrugh and Rushemy Botter have turned colorful little cars into jewelry.
In this issue we offer a non-exhaustive overview of pieces heralding these new jewelry values.
On “Wing Shop” the new e-shop of Noor Fares, you can entirely customize the “Fly Me to the Moon” earrings.
The positive values initiated by Léon Rouvenat, almost two centuries on, are modernized.
During the conference organized by the jeweler L’Or du Monde (pioneers in the use of recycled gold), the Systext association painted an apocalyptic picture...