09 October 2017
Esther de Beaucé, editor of artists’ jewelry, is for the first time holding a solo exhibition of works by Jacqueline de Jong, a Dutch painter who had affiliations with the COBRA movement. “I love the power and poetry of her sculptural jewelry,” says the gallery owner, “As they speak of the slow rhythm of nature and randomness”. Strange and unique, each “Pomme de Jong” is made by the artist from potatoes grown in her garden, which are then left to dry out for several years, the time necessary for the long intertwining sprouts to grow. Arranged and sculpted, plunged into a double bath of copper then gold or platinum, they transform themselves into jewelry pieces that cling to a jacket lapel, or wrap around the neck or wrist. Creepy, fascinating and somewhat erotic.
You Say Potato exhibition until November 10th 2017 at the miniMASTERPIECE gallery.
Jacqueline de Jong’s paintings are exhibited at the Air de Paris gallery – 32, rue Louise Weiss – 75013 Paris.
Jacqueline de Jong - "Pomme de Jong" necklace © Yann Delacour
Jacqueline de Jong - "Pomme de Jong" brooch-pendant © Yann Delacour
Jacqueline de Jong - "Pomme de Jong" ring © Yann Delacour
Jacqueline de Jong - "Pomme de Jong" earrings © Yann Delacour
Jacqueline de Jong - "Pomme de Jong" cufflinks © Yann Delacour
Jacqueline de Jong
Beyond aesthetics, Christopher Esber believes in the positive virtues that certain crystals worn directly on the skin possess.
Botter, the Dutch creative duo made up of Lisi Herrebrugh and Rushemy Botter have turned colorful little cars into jewelry.
In this issue we offer a non-exhaustive overview of pieces heralding these new jewelry values.
On “Wing Shop” the new e-shop of Noor Fares, you can entirely customize the “Fly Me to the Moon” earrings.
The positive values initiated by Léon Rouvenat, almost two centuries on, are modernized.
During the conference organized by the jeweler L’Or du Monde (pioneers in the use of recycled gold), the Systext association painted an apocalyptic picture...